Stockmanship, like sustainability, is a commonly used word that many might find hard toclearly define in a few words. Stockmanship has been defined as the knowledgeable and skillful handling of […]
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Hot Cattle Market Brings Tough Decisions

Dr. Curt Lacy Extension Economist-Livestock University of Georgia Recently, the cattle markets have been as hot as the mid-July temperatures. While the high prices generate lots of questions, the main […]
Livestock Provisions in the Farm Bill
The 2014 Farm Bill contains numerous provisions related to livestock and dairy. Recently, UGA Extension Specialists in the Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics conducted a training session for Georgia […]
Poor Quality Forages Pose Life-Threatening Risk to Southeastern Cow Herds
What Is Happening A large number of beef cattle producers in the Southeastern U.S. are reporting that their cows are experiencing diarrhea, dying soon after calving or dying unexpectedly. Some […]
Herd Expansion, Beef Cow Slaughter, and Projected Inventory Numbers for January 1

Herd expansion is a thought that is on many cattlemen’s minds. Most are considering if they should expand and by how much. Others are questioning if expansion has already begun, […]