I have heard the phrase “nothing to it but to do it” all my life. For me, it translates to “put it on your calendar and it will happen.” As […]
Cattle Reproduction: Nothing To It But Do It

I have heard the phrase “nothing to it but to do it” all my life. For me, it translates to “put it on your calendar and it will happen.” As […]
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a perennial forage legume suited for hay, silage, or grazing management systems. The “Queen of Forages” is high yielding and produces excellent quality forage with […]
What is Heat Stress? Heat stress in the cattle herd may be a concern during the warmest months of the year in the Southeast USA (June through early September; when […]
So you want to plant Alfalfa into your Bermudagrass this fall. Make sure to check our list before getting started! Selecting the Area: Soil Test – Target pH should be […]
“Is it too hot to work calves?” “Is the temperature and humidity going to kill these cattle this afternoon if we work them?” Those in the cattle business know those […]