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Chart of the Week

2011 03 03 calfprices-march52011

Dr. Curt Lacy (UGA) Calf prices have continued their meteoric climb. Since the first of the year, 500-600 pound calf prices have averaged almost $125 per hundredweight. For some perspective, […]

Chart of the Week

2011 02 15 G-NP-Annual_000

Dr. Curt Lacy (UGA) 500 pounds calves sell for $125/cwt. plus! Slaughter cattle selling for $105+, what could possibly go wrong? Plenty. The chart below shows the very strong relationship […]

Chart of the Week

2011 01 28 jancattlenumbers-jan282011

Dr. Curt Lacy (UGA) On Friday, January 28, USDA released the annual Cattle report. This year’s report had several interesting findings. Total beef cows that had calved were reported to […]

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