Basics of Winter Annual Establishment: by Lee Vanvlake, Area Livestock Agent, Clemson Extension

For many cattle producers in the state the first killing frost means grazing has ended and hay feeding starts.   It is common to hear discussion on how much it costs to feed hay and since hay is such an expensive forage, cattle producers look for ways to extend the grazing season and feed less stored […]

Potassium Deficiency in Hay Fields can Enhance Disease Issues

Pensacola bahiagrass hayfield that was yellow and stunted at the end of June near Marianna, FL. The orange arrows point out green clumps of grass where the fire ant mounds were located. Photo credit: Doug Mayo

Pensacola bahiagrass hayfield that was yellow and stunted at the end of June near Marianna, FL. The orange arrows point out green clumps of grass where the fire ant mounds were located. Photo credit: Doug Mayo The Yellow Bahiagrass Hayfield At the end of June, a Jackson County,FL rancher noticed something strange about his hay […]

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